Conference: "The Many Facets of Statistical Field Theory" - SISSA (Trieste), 17th October 2022
Event: "Large Deviations, Extreme and Anomalous Transport in Non-Equilibrium systems"
Erwing Schroedinger Institute, Vienna, 19 Settembre - 14 Ottobre 2022
Cosmology, astrophysics and statistical mechanic 2022
Artificial Intelligence 2021
TNT Web Seminars
In collaboration with Angelo Vulpiani from Sapienza we are organizing a serie of web seminars on statistical mechanics and related subjects. Every seminar is recorded on zoom and the style is very informal and friendly (usually, but it is not compulsory, seminars are held in italian).
Presentations on ongoing/published work of the speakers as well as journal-club-style presentations on topics which are simply of interest are welcome.
Topics range from the classical ones, such as non-equilibrium statistical mechanics or the problem of ergodicity-breaking in disordered and/or non-linear systems to the latest applications of statistical physics to problems such as inference or phase transitions in learning algorithms.
Here you can find the video and slides of all previous seminars.
Here you can find the video and slides of all previous seminars.
Old Seminars
Angelo Vulpiani (26/05/2020)
"Levels of reality in weather forecasting: the lesson by Richardson and Von Neumann"
Giacomo Gradenigo (06/06/2020 )
"Thermal equilibrium: (in) quantum non-integrable and classical integrable systems"
Maria Chiara Angelini (03/07/2020)
"How to solve sparse hard inference problems: (replicated) simulated annealing vs Bayes optimal algorithms"
Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi (10/07/2020)
"Processi stocastici in spazi di Hilbert: introduzione all'equazione stocastica di Schrodinger"
Antonio Ponno (17/07/2020)
"The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem: quasi-integrability perspective"
Marco Baiesi (18/09/2020)
"An introduction to unsupervised learning and Boltzmann machines"
Francesco Borra (02/10/2020)
"Effective models and predictability of chaotic multiscale systems via machine learning"
Simone Pigolotti (09/10/2020)
"Proprietá generiche della produzione di entropia"
Lorenzo Caprini (23/10/2020)
"Spontaneous velocity alignment in motility induced phase separation"
Marco Baldovin (06/11/2020)
"Using machine-learning modeling to understand macroscopic dynamics in a system of coupled maps"
Valentina Ros (20/11/2020)
"Many-Body Localization: ergodicity breaking, between integrability and glassiness"
Pierfrancesco Di Cintio (04/12/2020)
"N-body chaos, discreteness effects and collective instabilities in numerical simulations of Hamiltonian systems with many degrees of freedom: a case study with self-gravitating systems"
Lamberto Rondoni (17/12/2020)
"Irreversibility Revisited: when probability turns material"
Andrea De Luca (15/01/2021)
"Relaxation and Thermalization in quantum and classical many-body systems"
Andrea Plati (29/01/2021)
"Modeling slow and collective dynamics in dense granular matter"
Maurizio Serva (12/02/2021)
"The Brownian motion of light-speed particles"
Serena Cenatiempo (26/02/2021)
"Bogoliubov theory for weakly interacting bosons"
Gianmaria Falasco (12/03/2021)
"Photons in a non-equilibrium electron bath: possible implications for the cosmic background radiation"