Giacomo Gradenigo                                                                                                                                   

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Personal informations

Date and place of birth: 19th March 1981, Dolo (VE), Italy
Nationality: Italy
Professional address: "Gran Sasso Science Institute ",  Viale Francesco Crispi 7, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy 
Email: giacomo dot gradenigo  at  gssi  dot  it



Laurea (Master degree)

Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento - University of Padova, Physics Departement, 22-03-2006, Padova, Italy.
Marks: 110/110
Advisor: Prof. Giancarlo Benettin



Title:Study of energy exchanges in the vicinity of equilibrium for mono and bidimensional FPU systems”.




 Ph.D. in Physics: University of Trento, Physics Departement, 12-11-2009, Trento, Italy.
   Advisor: Dr. Paolo Verrocchio.



 Title:The study of surface tension within the Random First-Order Theory of glass transition”. Available   at: “”.





December 2009 - November 2012: Post-doc fellowship at “Istituto Sistemi Complessi” (ISC-CNR) and University “Sapienza”, Roma. Fellowship founded by the project “Granular Gases to explore Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics”, headed by Dr. Andrea Puglisi.





December 2012 - November 2013: Post-doc at “Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT)”, CEA, Saclay, France. Fellowship founded by the project “New Strategies for the Glass Transition: from Equilibrium theories to Aging dynamics”: collaboration with Dr. Giulio Biroli (CEA, Saclay) and Prof. Silvio Franz (LPTMS, Orsay).





December 2013 - November 2014: “Chair Junior CNRS” at “Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modéles Statistiques (LPTMS)”, Université Paris-Sud, France. Fellowship founded by the project “New Strategies for the Glass Transition: from Equilibrium theories to Aging dynamics”, presented in collaboration with Dr. Giulio Biroli (CEA, Saclay) and Prof. Silvio Franz (LPTMS, Orsay).





December 2014 - June 2017: Post-doc at “Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy)”, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France. Work in collaboration with E. Bertin in a project focused on driven amorphous system, headed by J.-L. Barrat.






September 2017 - October 2019: Post-doc at University  "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. Grant "Simons Foundation" of Prof. Giorgio Parisi. Work in collaboration with Dr. Luca Leuzzi. 



November 2019: Assistant Professor (RTDb) at GSSI (Gran Sasso Research Institute), L'Aquila, Italy. 

    November 2022: Associate Professor at GSSI (Gran Sasso Research Institute), L'Aquila, Italy. 



Computer skills

- Languages : Fortran, C, C++. CUDA-C, Python.

- Operative Systems : UNIX, LINUX, Windows.

- Softwares : Mathematica, Latex, Awk, Gnuplot, Emacs.


Spoken languages

- Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (fluent).


Publications and referee activity

I published 28 papers on international journal (H-index 16 Scholar), 3 conference proceedings, and a book chapter “Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Small Systems: Fluctuation Relations and Beyond” (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2013) R. Klages, W. Just, C. Jarzynski (Eds.). 

Referee of:

- Physical Review Letters

- Physical Review X

- Physical Review E

- Journal of Chemical Physics

- Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiments

- New Journal of Physics

- Journal of Statistical Physics


Teaching experience

Undergraduate Courses

2007/2008: Tutoring for the students of the first year of Bachelor Degree (“Laurea Triennale”) in Physics.

2017/2018: Assistent for the "Laboratory of Mechanics" course, first year of Bachelor Degree (“Laurea Triennale”) in Physics, "Sapienza" University of Rome (course held by Prof F. Meddi)

2018/2019: Assistent for the "Laboratory of Mechanics" course, first year of Bachelor Degree (“Laurea Triennale”) in Physics, "Sapienza" University of Rome (course held by Prof F. Meddi)

2018/2019: 2 Lectures (4 hours, 0.5 CFU) on disordered systems within the "Models of Theoretical Physics" of the "Physics of Data" Master degree in Physics, University of Padova (course held by Prof. A. Maritan and Prof. M. Baiesi)

2019/2020: 4 Lectures (8 hours, 1 CFU) on disordered systems within the "Models of Theoretical Physics" of the "Physics of Data" Master degree in Physics, University of Padova (course held by Prof. A. Maritan and Prof. M. Baiesi)

2020/2021: 4 Lectures (8 hours, 1 CFU) on disordered systems within the "Models of Theoretical Physics" of the "Physics of Data" Master degree in Physics, University of Padova (course held by Prof. A. Maritan and Prof. M. Baiesi)


Graduate Courses

2019/2020: "Condensation Phenomena in Classical and Quantum Mechanics" (18 hourse), PhD school of Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila.


Thesis supervision

 Roberto Trozzo (Thesis defended in February 2011). Title: Studio numerico di un liquido sottoraffreddato in geometria confinata lineare: funzione di correlazione ed energia d’interfaccia. ( Eng: Numerical study of a supercooled liquid confined in a slab geometry: correlation functions and interface energy). Supervisors: Prof. G. Parisi, Dr. A. Cavagna.

Alessandro Manacorda (Thesis defended in Septembre 2012). Title: Un modello di ratchet granulare con attrito. (Eng: A model of granular ratchet with dry friction). Supervisor: Dr. A. Puglisi.

Stefano Spigler (Thesis defended in September 2014). Title ”Plaquette models for glasses”.
Supervisor: Prof. Silvio Franz.

Lorenzo Pinto (Thesis defended in July 2019): "Monte Carlo numerical simulations of statistical models of random lasers". Supervisor: Prof. Luca Leuzzi.


Conferences organization

During my last year of post-doc in Rome I organized together with Andrea Puglisi and Alessandro Sarracino the following international conference: Non-equilibrium fluctuation-response relations, Giglio Island, June 5th-8th, 2012. Organizing commitee: Giacomo Gradenigo, Andrea Puglisi, Alessandro Sarracino. Scientific committee: Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi, Lamberto Rondoni, Angelo Vulpiani.