Communications at international conferences
1. | March 2019: “Glass Transition and Lack of Equipartition in Statistical Mechanics model of Random Lasers", XV International Workshop on Complex Systems, Andalo (TN), Italy. []
2. | July 2016: “Edwards effective thermodynamics for a driven athermal system with dry and viscous fricion”, International Workshop on Jammng and Granular Matter, Queen Mary University, London. []
3. | May 2016: “The mechanism of field-induced superdiffusion in models with glassy dynamics”, Quantifying Complex Transport with Levy Walks: From Cold Atoms to Humans and Robots, international conference Physikzentrum Bad-Honnef, Germany. []
4. | November 2014: “Rare events in driven one-dimensional models”, contributed seminar at the international workshop “Large Deviations in Statistical Physics”, Stellenbosch, South-Africa. [pdf]
5. | July 2013: “Confinement as a tool to probe amorphous order” , contributed seminar at “Physics of glassy and granular materials”, satellite meeting of the international conference STATPHYS 25, Yukawa insitute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan. [pdf]
6. | March 2012: “ Static correlation lengths and domain walls energy in a glass-forming liquid model under confinement” , invited seminar at “Rejuvenating concepts in glass physics”, follow up meeting of “Unifying concepts in glass physics V”, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France.
7. | October 2011: “Fluctuating hydrodynamics theory for a driven granular fluid: out of equilibrium correlations” , contributed seminar at the international workshop “Foundations and Applications of Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics”, NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden.
8. | September 2011: “Thermostats, large scale fluctuations and entropy productions in granular fluids” , contributed seminar at workshop “ZCAM conference on Granular and Active Fluids”, Zaragoza Scientific Center for Advanced Modeling, Zaragoza, Spain.
9. | July 2010: “Aging regime in a fragile glass-former: study of a brownian motor ” , contributed seminar at “XXIV IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics”, Cairns, Australia.
10. | March 2010: “A phase separation perspective on dynamical heterogeneities”, contributed seminar at “XII International Workshop on Complex Systems”, Andalo, Italy.
11. | May 2008: Contributed seminar at “99th Statistical Mechanic Conference”, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. |
Communications at national conferences
1. |
June 2019: “Localisation in Discrete Non-Linear Schrödinger Equation: A First-Order Transition in the Microcanonical Ensamble”, XXIV National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, Parma, Italy. []
2. |
October 2018: “Glass Transition and Lack of Equipartition in a model for nonlinear waves in random media”, CNR-Nanotec 3th annual workshop, Alberobello (Bari), Italy. []
3. |
June 2018: “Glassy behaviour of light: insights from numerical simulations on realistic complex networks”, XXIII National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, Parma, Italy. []
4. |
May 2017: “Glassy thermodynamics of light: study of emission spectra in Random Laser”, internal seminar of the group "Physique Statistique et Modèlisation", LIPhy, Grenoble, France. []
5. |
April 2017: “Dynamical phase transitions and their first-order features in the Large Deviations of non-interacting Run-and-Tumble particles in one dimension”, university of Sapienza, Rome.
6. |
April 2016: “Thermodynamic theory of active matter”, internal seminar of the group "Physique Statistique et Modèlisation", LIPhy, Grenoble, France.
7. |
March 2016: “Field-induced superdiffusion in models with a glassy dynamics”, invited seminar at Physics department Univ. Padova, Italy. [pdf]
8. |
February 2016: “Effective thermodynamics for a athermal system with dry friction”, seminar at Laboratoire de Physique Theorique et Modeles Statistiques (LPTMS), Orsay, France. []
9. | December 2015: “Temperature and Correlations in Driven Dissipative Systems” , invited (J.Tailleur) seminar at MSC Paris.
10. | November 2015: “Temperature and Correlations in Driven Dissipative Systems” , invited (T.Dauxois) seminar at ENS Lyon. [pdf]
11. | October 2015: “From slow to fast: Field-induced superdiffusion of a probe in models with a glassy dynamics”, PSM informal group meeting, LIPhy, Grenoble.
12. | October 2015: “Field-induced superdiffusion in a model with glassy dynamics”, contributed seminar at the national Italian workshop “FISMAT 2015”, Palermo, Italy.
13. | July 2015: “Effective thermodynamic theory for a driven athermal system with dry friction”, PSM informal group meeting, LIPhy, Grenoble.
14. | June 2015: “Effective thermodynamic theory for a driven athermal system with dry friction”, contribute seminar at GDR French national workshop “Fluides Actifs”, ENS Lyon.
15. | May 2015: “Effective thermodynamic theory for a system with dry friction” , invited seminar (A.Puglisi) at “Sapienza” University, Rome. [pdf]
16. | January 2015: “Plaquette models for glasses and constraint satisfaction problems” , PSM informal group meeting, LIPhy, Grenoble. [pdf]
17. | October 2014: “Glassy properties of a XOR-SAT model in finite dimensions”, LPTMS seminar, Orsay, France.
18. | May 2014: “Local effective action for a glass-forming liquid: a numerical study” , invited seminar (J.-L. Barrat) at LIPhy, Grenoble.
19. | April 2014: “Local effective action for a glass-forming liquid: a numerical study”, invited seminar (O.Benichou) at LPTMC, Jussieu, Paris.
20. | April 2014: “Local effective action for a glass-forming liquid: a numerical study” , invited seminar (L.Berthier) at Laboratoires Charles Coulomb, Montpellier.
21. | January 2014: “Driven anomalous dynamics: breaking of the Einstein relation and scaling properties” , invited seminar (D. Grebenkov) at Ecole Politechnique, Paris. [pdf]
22. | July 2012: “Out-of-equilibrium correlations and entropy production in a driven granular fluid” , contributed seminar at “XVII Convegno Nazionale di Fisica Statistica e dei Sistemi Complessi”, Physics department of Parma, Italy. [pdf]
23. | May 2012: “Einstein relation for anomalous superdiffusive dynamics” , invited seminar at the Physics department of Parma, Italy.
24. | January 2012: “Fluctuating hydrodynamics for a driven granular fluid: out-of-equilibrium correlations”, oral presentation at the “Journ´ees de Physique Statistique”, ´Ecole Sup´erieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles, Paris, France.
25. | July 2010: “Study of a glass-forming liquid in a confined geometry : correlation lengths and interfaces of amorphous states” , invited seminar at the “Institute de Physique Th´eorique”, CEA, Saclay, France. [pdf]
26. | July 2010: “Aging regime in a fragile glass-former: study of a brownian motor”, contributed seminar at the national conference “XV Convegno di Fisica Statistica”, Physics department of Parma, Italy.
27. | May 2009: “Surface tension and a new spinodal point for amorphous order in supercooled liquids”, seminar for the group “Disordered System and Neural Networks”, Department of Mathematics, Kings College, London.
28. | May 2009: “Surface tension and a new spinodal point for amorphous order in supercooled liquids”, invited seminar at “Istituto Sistemi Complessi” (CNR-ISC), Physics department of “Sapienza”, Rome.
29. | August 2008: “Surface tension and a new spinodal point for amorphous order in supercooled liquids”, Oral presentation at the summer school “Les Houches Summer School 2008: Long Range Interacting Systems, France. |
Poster communcations
- | May 2015: Poster at the international conference “Viscous Liquids IV”, Montpellier, France.
- | September 2013: Poster at the international conference “Large deviations and rare events in physics and biology”, Physics department of “Sapienza” university, Rome, Italy.
- | December 2011: Poster at the international conference “Unifying concepts in glass physics V”, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France.
- | March 2011: Poster at the international conference “Workshop on Dynamics in Viscous Liquids III”, Physics department of “Sapienza” university, Rome.
- | September 2010: Poster at the international conference “Anomalous Transport: from Billiards to Nanosystems”, Sperlonga, Italy.
- | September 2009: Poster at the international conference “6th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems”, Physics department of “Sapienza” University, Rome.