Artificial Intelligence 2021
(Spring Session)
From 9th April to 7th May GSSI will host an online series of seminars focused on the applications of tools and ideas from Statistical Mechanics and Numerical Analysis to problems in Artificial Intelligence. The goal will be to present highly interdisciplinary talks focused on the common issues faced by anyone willing to better understand limitations and efficiency of "Machine Learning" techniques: physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists.
The event “Artificial Intelligence 2021 (Spring Session)”, which is organized by Giacomo Gradenigo (GSSI) and Angelo Vulpiani (Sapienza), represents the thematic section of a larger event going on across the whole academic year 2020/2021, a series of seminars dedicated to statistical mechanics: GSSI-Sapienza Statistical Mechanics Webinars.
Talks will be contributed by experts from some of the major institutions which, across Italy and Europe, carry on theoretical research on Artificial Intelligence: Federico Ricci-Tersenghi (Full Professor, Sapienza, Roma), Carlo Baldassi (Assistant Professor, Bocconi, Milano), Francesco Tudisco (Assistant Professor, GSSI, L'Aquila), Caterina De Bacco (Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen, Germany), Francesca Mignacco (PhD Student, Institute de Physique Théorique, Saclay, France). Contributions will present some among the most recent results on the theoretical analysis of achievements and limitations of Artificial Intelligence algorithms and will be therefore directed to a broad audience: from PhD students to experienced researchers in the fields of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science.
The goal of the event (more details on the presentation here) is to put in contact the different scientific communities which are challenged every day with problems in Artificial Intelligence algorithms and to foster among these communities cross-fertilization processes and a dialogue based on the necessity to solve common problems. Participation is open to anyone interested. The link to seminars is available from the event page, as well as the links to talks registrations and slides.
Here you can find the event poster.